Projects / Nassau County, Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant
Nassau County, Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant

Hurricane Sandy Recovery Program
East Rockaway, NY
Nassau County, Department of Public Works
70 MGD Capacity
Project Status
Completed 2018
Infrastructure – Recovery/Resiliency
Infrastructure – Water/Wastewater
Buildings – Government/Public
Hazen & Sawyer
Disaster resilience
Hurricane recovery program
Green construction materials
Facility upgrade
Energy efficiency
Program Management
Construction Management
Schedule Management
Damaged Treatment Plant Brought Back Online
Group PMX provided program management services for the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Hurricane Sandy Recovery Program, led by the joint venture of Hazen & Sawyer and Arcadis, on behalf of the Nassau County Department of Public Works (DPW). Hurricane Sandy substantially damaged the Bay Park STP, endangering its ability to serve nearly half a million Nassau County residents. The facility faced flooding, power outages, and strong winds, submerging critical components and inundating electrical systems with saltwater from the nearby bay.
To address this, Nassau County committed to rehabilitating and fortifying the plant against future storms. Group PMX’s services encompassed CPM scheduling, construction management, and inspection. The program aimed at a comprehensive facility upgrade, prioritizing eco-friendly building materials during the design phase.
The program’s components included:
- Energy-Efficient Upgrades: The design incorporated an energy-efficient process aeration system, biogas reuse from anaerobic digestion, and a deammonification process to enhance plant performance for future biological nitrogen removal operations.
- Protective Measures: A sea wall and land berm were constructed around the facility’s perimeter to shield the 50-acre site from potential 500-year storm events and bay surges.
- Simultaneous Construction Contracts: Multiple construction contracts ran concurrently on an aggressive schedule to swiftly safeguard the facility.
- Grant Procurement Assistance: Group PMX provided support to Nassau County in securing federal grants for the program.
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